Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The World's Biggest Ice Block, and it's Next Door!

When you have read the article titled The World's Biggest Ice Block, and it's Next Door! I would like you to write the main ideas within this article and give a summary of your understanding of this article.

Read other people's comments also to see how they felt about this article.


Anonymous said...

This article by Lynette Hoffman is very intersesting it has alot of excellent usefull information like, The most famous lake Vostok, a 700m deep lake that spans 10 000 sq km and sits about 2 km down!

That is really usefull stuff!!!!And also she was using lots of interesting words like RUTS!!

hope you like reading these Articles Kelsey, Sam, Josh And me ISAAC!

seya soon!


Anonymous said...

I found out that the article was interesting because it had some words that i have never heard before.One of the words i found strange was the word juts


Anonymous said...

I found this article had interesting information about rising sea levels, maximum & minimum temperatures and also how many cubic metres Antarctica is.


Mrs Henshaw said...

Isaac, Josh and Samantha,
I would like you to extend on your writing here. This article is quite long. I would like a well detailed summary of it. Can you please post again before moving on.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I ( Amy )even though I am not in your group, have read the newspaper cover to cover and it supplies a lot of information on Antarctica. It was really interesting.
Also I noticed that one of the people who wrote the articles was called Amy as well!
Aims =o)
I probably wont write in this blog again so...

Anonymous said...

the main idea is that the ice shevles and ice bregs are mealting and the sea level is riseing

so i think that all ice is mealting and the sea is geting biger and that is because of globol worming and some antarcticas ice bregs are mealting

form jono

Anonymous said...

In this article it interesting that a ice shelf in Antarctica is called the Lose Tooth.


Anonymous said...

I think it is telling us about ice shelves and glaciers and how they melt and form. One thing I found interesting is that there is a ice shelf called the ''loose tooth'' and I don't even know why the ice shelh is called that.

Jess Lilley

Anonymous said...

The main idea is that the Glacier, Icebregs and ice shelves are melting. that mean the sea levels are rising fast.

Daniel Cole

Anonymous said...

I think i was a good artical because it told as about how big the biggest ice block was.
She talked about climate change and if all the ice melted the sea leval will rise 57 meters
see ya

Anonymous said...

This article about Lynnette Hoffman is very intersting because she talked about about all the different ice bergs also what they found in the last 50 years 212 glaciers retreated by an average of 600m.
