Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Book Report - Pole Seekers

You are required to write a report on the book The Pole Seekers.
Answer the following questions (in order).

Title of book.
Who is the main character in this story?
The best part of this book is when......
How does the story end? (resolution)
Write 4 new vocabulary words that you learned from this book and their definitions.
List four words that best describe this book.
Rate this book on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=lowest 5=highest). Explain how you decided how to rate the book.
The thing I didn't like about this book was..........

Write full sentences and please use correct punctuation.


Anonymous said...

Webnesday 22nd of August 2007 term 3.
The book is called The Pole Seekers and is it is written by Merideth Hooper.
The main charachter in the novel is Hackle, a black rat that has volenteered to go to Antarctica before the enemies, the brown rats, find out and get there.
My favourite part of the book was when he had the big feast and all the rats were invited to come to 'the Snow Palace", a ballroom/partyroom that they made by hollowing out the snow and making furniture with the excess.
The story ends when they stow away on a ship that came along, abandoning their own one to go back to their loved ones back home, after starving when they were doing the mission of getting to the South Pole, but The Commander made a mistake with the food supplies.
Impassable: Impossible to pass.
Oppressive: to govern or treat something cruelly and unfairly.
Indifference: The same
Depot: donate, give.
Words that best describe the book;
Old-fashioned, gripping, well-described, normal-sized.
I rate this book three out of five as it is a bit hard to read, it has a pretty good plot, and it has pretty good illustrations. But it is not my faveourite book in the world (how can it be, its competing with the H.P.'s and H.A.A(Hating Alison Ashley)!)
The thing I didn't like about the book is the fact that they were starving. I don't like things like drama's where everything is lost, I like books with happiness and joy, or at least something that you have your eyes glued to, like my favourite books, which you already know of the names.
Miss A.L. McNamara =o)

Anonymous said...

Wednesday 22nd August 2007

The book is called The Pole Seekers by Meredith Hooper. The main character in the book is Hackle a curious black rat. The best part of the book is when Hackle and his friends put on a party in their ice palace. They ate fine food (for a rat) and had lots of fun. The story has a good ending. I did not think it would end that way. Another ship comes to the "unknown land in the south" and since ice is frozen solid around Hackle's boat, they are forced to abandon ship. They move to the new ship and the ship sails away. The book finishes when they have set sail and are heading back to their home in London. The book does not say if they actually get back to London.

I did not know what oppressive means, so I looked it up in the dictionary and it means: togovern or treat somebody cruelly. Or: to weigh down with care.
I also did not know what impassable meant and it means that you can not pass something.
Wicker was also a new word to me. I found out that it is thin canes woven together.
I did not know what imperative ment. When I looked it up in the dictionary I found out that it meant: express a command.

I would describe the book as INTERESTING, very IMFORMING of the life of a rat in Antarctica, I would say it was DULL in some parts, and I know that this is a few words but I think that the activities in the story paced to quickely.
The thing that I did not like about the book was that the hefties never found the rats. They would have noticed if some of their food suplies dissapeard. Over all, I think I would give this book a 3 out of 5 because some parts of the book were not interesting in my oppinion.

By Sai

miki_giampaolo said...

I finished reading a book called "Pole Seekers" by Meredith Hooper. It is about a group of rats that go on a voyage to Antarctica (to them it is the Unknown Land), they explore the new icy cold landforms in Antarctica, realising that there are basically no plants there except lichen, liverwort, algae, fungi and forms of moss, they find that it is a very weird place. The main character, Hackle, is a SJFC scout (S-outhern J-ourney F-itness C-ampaign) that likes to adventure through Antarctica. But suddenly one day the Commander calls Hackle and his best friend, Eddie, to a breifing. He tells them that they are going to travel furthest south. So when they leave they pack bags full of supplies and sources to keep them going. They struggle through Blistering Blizzards, Whistling Winds and Scary Spills. When they reach almost furthest south they decide to go back because they were furthest south. So they are dying in exhaustion, anorexia, no food and just flat out frost bites. When they are almost back to the ship, they find a whole bunch of food at the first depot (landmarks to help them find their way back) and eat heaps. Then they find the energy to find their way back. They rest and sleep and eat on the ship. Then a couple of days later they go home. The best part of the book was when they made the Ice Palace. The Story Ends when they break free from the Ice and then they sail back home. New vocabulary words I think are vocabulary words are clambering, to climb with difficult, especially on four legs, sodden, the state of being excited, inexplicably, difficult or impossible to explain for, and idyllic, meaning simple and carefree. 4 Words to describe this book would be tiresome, eerie, interesting (just a tiny bit (<>)) and abnormal. I would rate this book 2.5 on a 5 scale. I chose this answer because this book is not my type of style and I didn't enjoy reading it. The thing I didn't like about this book was that it was not my style, it was unusual, eerie, odd, weird. I didn't enjoy reading it because it didn't have enough action or a little bit of horror and more juicy parts.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday 22nd August 2007

The book is called the Pole Seekers by Meredith Hooper.

The main character in the novel is Hackle.This black ship's rat is strong, adventerous and quick witted.

The best part of the book is when Hackle, and his mates Eddie, Padders, Fergal, Skelly and Jonas built a little ice palace and they had a big party.

The story ends dramaticlly when they narrowly escaped being frozen in he middle of the sea far away from any help.

Four new words that I learned from this book are:

Impassable:Impossible to pass.

Monstrous: like a monster, outrageous.

Oppresive: to govern or treat something cruelly or unfairly.

Humble: modest; not proud or showy.

Four words that describe this book are:

Imforming, Tedious, Fast paced and Dull.

I would give it on a scale of 1 to 5 a 3 ½. I gave it this rating because although it can be boring at times it's a book that makes you want to find out what happens at the end.

The thing I didn't like about the book was the fact that sometimes it was extremely boring and other times it was very exciting.


Anonymous said...

27 August 07

The book report on Pole Seekers

The author of this book is Merideth Hooper.

There are a few main characters in this book but there is two main characters tey are Hackle and Eddie.

I think the best part of the book is when they have a party in the Ice palace which is a place Hackle and Eddie made.

The story ends when the commander, Hackle and Eddie get back from a dangerous journey to try and find the South Pole. They didnt make it but they got the closest any Rat has before. Another ship arrived after their return totake them back to London.

4 Words I learent were:
Idyllic it means to be carefree and happy, Clambering means to climb something on all four legs.
Impassable means something is impossible to do. Humble means something is nice and gentle.

4 Words I would use to describe this book are Exciting in some parts, Informing, Funny and Serious.

I would give this book a 2.75.

One thing I didnt like about the book was how Eddie and Hackle asked their wifes to mary rhe because they were just about to leave.

By Angus

Anonymous said...

27th August 2007

Book report on 'Pole Seekers'

I have finished reading the book 'Pole Seekers' written by Merideth Hooper.

The main Character in this book is Hackle. An adventurous black rat in Antarctica.

My favourite part in the book is when Hackle, Eddie(Hackle's best friend) and 4 other rat frinds carve, using thir teeth, an underground palace. They carve out a ginormous ballroom and throw a party with heir fellow rat frinds.

The story ends after Hackle, Eddie and The Commander return from a dangerous mission, trying to reach the South Pole. They don't make it to he pole. Not long after their safe return, another ship appears and they go home to London in it.

Four new words I have learnt from reading this book are:
Oppresive: This means to govern or treat something cruely or unfairly.
Unpassable:This means something that you are unable to pass.
Hefty/Hefties:This means the men on the expedition.
Imperative: Express a command.

Four words I choose to describe 'Pole Seekers' are:
Well-written and

I rate this book 3/5 because I didn't like the book very much, but it had good information.

The thing I didn't like about th book is that it was to predictable.

Alana :D

Anonymous said...

The Pole-Seeekers

by Meredith Hooper

The main character is Hackle

The best part of thebook is when there is a fire on the ship and every one was scearded that they where going to sink!

The story ends when they said that it was inposible to survive as rats in Antarctica (The Uknownland) and perhaps one day Hackle and Eddie would return back to Antarctica and discover more about the excellent place!

SWEEPING:wide-ranging, he made sweeping changes.
REMARKABLY:Unusual and extrodanary.
ABANDON:give up, leave a person, thing, or place without intending to return, ABANDON SHIP!
PANNIKINS: Lots and lots of something.

Boring, Out of place, rewritable, went through very quikly

on a scayle from 1-5 i would give it 2 out of 5

Just how it was writen and placed!

It was to quik and boring.


Anonymous said...

Pole - seekers

By Merdith Hooper

The main character of the book is named Hackle.

The best part of this book is when Hackle, Eddie and their team go to the unknown land to search for the and they have all travelled through tough weather and they find the South Pole.

The book ends when Hackle, Eddie and The Commander return home after going on a mission to the unknown land (Antarctica). They were fighting through blistering winds and snowstorms to find the South Pole. They didn't make it to the South Pole. They had to come home and their 1st ship had sunk and they travelled on a different ship to another land and then caught the next ship back to London.

The four words that I learnt were:

1. Scrabbling, it means to scratch or claw something with their feet or hands.

2. Summones, a Command to appear in court.

3. Coiled, wind into rings or spiral.

4. Tradition, something past on in this way.

Confusing, adventurous, risky and ratty.

2 out of 5 because the author from one topic to another to early and didn't describe it long enough.

The thing I didn't like about this book was that the way she wrote it made me ask myself "Has she just rushed this book". I was only asking that to my self because she made it confusing changing from one subject to another within a few sentences.
