Title of book.
Who is the main character in this story?
The best part of this book is when......
How does the story end? (resolution)
Write 4 new vocabulary words that you learned from this book and their definitions.
List four words that best describe this book.
Rate this book on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=lowest 5=highest).
Explain how you decided how to rate the book.
The thing I didn't like about this book was............
Please use full sentences to answer the questions, use capital letter and full stops.
The Scary Day
The Name of the Author Jean Bennet
The Main character is Sam.
The end of the story Miss Menka has a broken arm and they are all rite. Cicadas means a large insect that makes a very loud noise.
a very instresting book and i would give it a 7 out of 10
Scary Day
Jean Bennett
Miss Mika has a broken arm and Sam is so happy that everyone is safe.
Cicadas and that means that it is a large insecct that makes a funny loud noise.
i thougt that this book was a bite boring i would give it a 3 out of 5.
I thougt it got a bite boring after a while and i didn't like it .
The Scary Day
The main character is Sam
When the rescures came and safed sam and his class.
Miss Mika has a broken arm and everyone is happy to see that there allright.
I can only find one and that is cacidas and that means a incect and it is so large and makes a funny noise.
i think i is a very funny story i kind of SILLY story 1 give it 4
The title in the book is the Scary Day.
The Author of the book is Jean Bennett.
The main character is Sam.
The best Bart in the book is when the rescuers come.
The book ends when miss mike comes out of hospital.
The vocabularies that I Leant in the book are earthquake,movement,sickness and unconscious.
My rating is 4%.
Because it is a very exsiting when the earthquate and you relly wont to now what happens next.
When Sam siad ,that stuped dog is not barking any more
The Main character is Sam.
The end of the story Miss Menka has a broken arm
Cicadas means a large insect that makes a very loud noise.
The Scary Day.
The name of the author Jean Benntt.
the main character is Sam.
when sam save his teacher.
5 out 5.
the teacher has a boken mran
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