Monday, August 6, 2007

Pole Seekers

Where are you up to and what is happening?

What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Where up to chapter 9

Hackle and Eddie had a very narrow escape and almost died. When they get back the Commander calls a roll call and although everyone made it back to the ship many rats(like Hackle and Eddie)bearly escaped. They then relise that the unknown land you can be perfectly safe one minute and in danger the next.


Anonymous said...

So far in the story, The ship has arrived at the 'Unknown Land" (Antarctica) We have discoverd about Pedro's long lost companions. One of them died on a cliff and the other died of a mysterious illness on the way back to London. I think that Eddie and Hackle will become heros amoung the other rats back at their home in London (if they get back at all). I think that Pedro is glad to be at Antarctica again because he loves penguins (eating eggs and their stench) and like visiting Nicos (one of his long lost companions) grave.
There is still a lot of the story to go and I can't wait to see what happens.


Anonymous said...

It is becoming very interesting. The adjectives are very good and it is very easy to get a picture in your mind of what is happening. I hope that chapter ten will be just as gripping, but yet again it is very predictable. Unfortunately you can always tell how long a character survives by the thinkness of the book; if you arent near the end of the story it is most likely that the author would not continue writing it as there would be nothing to suppy for information. It is like in the last Harry Potter book; you think at the begginning he is going to die and then you realise that there are still about six-hundred pages to go.
I will not supply any more information on other books as I am giving away too much information on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and I am slipping off the subject.
And I could continue typing about all sorts of things forever, but I think that my message is too long already so bye!!!
Aims =o) TM C R

Anonymous said...

We are up to chapter 9.
So far the ship has arrived in Antarctica. Hackle, Eddie and the rest of the rat crew were granted shore leave in which Pedro has taken Hackle and Eddie to the cliff top where one of his past companions, Nico, is buried, and told them about his second companion whodied of an unknown illness on the voysge home. They also had a mad dash across ice floes, in which they almost died.


Anonymous said...

Today we read chapters 9 and 10.

They are now at the unknown land. The commander has decided that a small group of rats will stay while the others go back to London. Eddie and Hackle really want to stay, they think that the rest of the world is very vague. If I was in this situation I would go back to London because it would be so much safer and warmer. Eddie and Hackle had a ride on a hot air baloon. THe commander did not like this because he wanted to go but he did not get on the hot air baloon. He was very angry. Pedro went with some Hefties on some sledges and all Pedro said when he came back was that he had been the furthest south. THe story is becoming very interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Sai =0)

miki_giampaolo said...

Pole Seekers is a great book to read. It has great adjectives to describe the harsh and wild conditions in Antarctica to make it come alive inside your head. It's like a video tape playing the more times it spins around the more you get. Thats like with a book the more you read the more exciting & adventerous it gets. I read books and when descriptive language come's in its like it is inventing itself in my head, & mostly they build themselves up and they turn out how they are meant to be in the book with their personality,physique, attributes and how much part the character takes.Today in Pole Seekers they have been told by the Commander that the Hefty's are going to build a large hut on the Unknown Land. They also were mistakenly in a little balloon and they were flying really high and Eddie thought he was going to b sick so he closed his eyes and cuddled himself. But then Hackle tells him to not be scared then he opens his eyes and he joyfully yells "LOOK WE CAN SEE THE GREAT UNKNOWN LAND. ALL OF IT!!!!!". Then a couple of days later when they get back down the Commander wants to have a go but then something goes wrong with the balloon because the wind blows really strong and hard and the Hefty's dont realise it because they are building their huts and so then he goes flying up and no one on board can see him and then they all start to panic.
PS: is that a good personal response :$???

Anonymous said...

I think that it is cool that the rats (Eddie and the person/rat that is telling the story) went up into the balloon, though I had no idea that they were in a balloon when it was being read. I thought that the basket had fallen off the ship and into the water!
The commander announced that the ship would be departing. I am really liking the book!!!
Aims =oD >:B TM C R

Anonymous said...

In the last two chapters, Eddie, Hackle and the rest of the crew have discovered that only a few of the volunteers get to stay in the Unkown Land(Antarctica). We haven't found out who is staying yet, but Hackle and Eddie want to. Despite their loved ones, Clemmy and Vanilla.

o Alana

Anonymous said...

We have just finished chapter 10

The commander has just announced that the ship will be departing
very soon and he has divided the crew into who will stay living in the Hefties hut and who will return home to tell Blackwall everything and to tell him to send more recruits.

I think although both Hackle and Eddie love the Unkown land Eddie might have to go home and Hackle will have to stay.


Mrs Henshaw said...

Miki, a well thought out response to the questions. It is interesting to read your thoughts on the way the book has been written and also your great explaination of what is occuring in the book. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Once again Merideth Cooper has written in an extroadinary way. I almost gasped when she said that Hackle was a leaver, but, unfortunately, I realised that there was still a long way to go. I was most releived when they said there was a change of plans. The book makes you picture it better than the best movie, instead of seeing it in your mind, you feel as if you are Hackle, not watching, but doing!
Just reminding that we are up to chapter fifteen.
Aims =oD TM C R

miki_giampaolo said...

ok ok
So far in the book we are up to chapter 15. What was going to happen was the ship rats were going to be split up into Leavers & Stayers. The Leavers would leave the ship-FOREVER-and they would go and live in the Hefties huts'. They were going to be fine there because all of the rats were working so hard, breaking their backs so they could load supplies underneath the hut, under the wooden planks on the floor. They had a very big party and they sung the song and they all got drunk and ate heaps. But then the next day there was some news. They couldnt leave yet because the ship was frozen stiff in the ice. So then they all cheered because they could spend more time with each other before they leave the ship.

Anonymous said...

Monday 13th August 2007

What is happening in the story? What are your thoughts?

Today we read chapters 13 to 14 and in those chapters:
The Commander has announced the stayers, Eddie is staying and Hackle is not, but The Commander has found out that the Heftie are not planning to leave the Unknown land, so all the ship's rats are staying. If I was in this position, I would have been upset because I would want to go back to London.

By Sai J. Lyons

Anonymous said...

13th August 2007

Blog entry:

We have just read chapters 13 + 14.

Winter has just set in. The winds are colder. It is always dark appart from a small amount of time around midday.
The Commander has announced the lists of the rats that are staying, and the rats that are going. Eddie is staying and Hackle is going home. But because of the Winter all the stayers are back on the ship. The ship will stay there untill Winter is over, then it will go home, taking Hackle and the other leavers.

Alana :D

Anonymous said...

We have now finished chapter 13 and 14.

Eddie was annonuced as a stayer but Hackle to his utter disapointment was chosen to
leave.They had to make new friends and groups and forget about their old friendships. Then they figure out that the hefties aren't going to depart and their plans change and all the volenters get to stay together for now.......


Anonymous said...

In Pole Seekers were are up to the parts when the hefties have just finished their hut and the rats have just been split into groups. One half in the huts and the other half on the ship.

Hackle was going to go home and Eddie was going to stay because he was part of the medical. But after the hefties showed no sign of going any where the plans were aborted.

I think this part of the book was very interesting because of all the different plans.


Anonymous said...

I have just finished the book.

There ship that they were in for a year is still iced in.The ship's rat's evacuated the ship into the new ship that bearly made it out of the newly formed ice.
