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Hitlers Daughter book report. By Jackie French.
The story starts when Mark, Little Tracy and Anna are in a bus stop, waiting for the rain to stop and the bus to come. They are wondering what to do when the thought of playing the game pops up. They start to play, when Anna tells the story of Hitler and Hitlers daughter, Heidi. Hitler used to have a wife, and he had a child, Heidi. The wife died and Hitler hid Heidi away from the world, because she did not fit the description of the race he was breeding, the perfect "Super Humans" People with blonde hair and blue eyes. Heidi, like Hitler, had brown hair, but she also had a big birthmark accross her face, and one leg was shorter than the other, so she limped. So Hitler, ashamed of her, of all people, to be grossly disfigured, hid her away from the world and pretended she did not exist. She was schooled by Frualin Gelber, and once they had to move to another place because of the war. Fraulin Gelber, or I think it was Frau Leib ( I keep getting therm mixed up) Checked thouroughly throught the basement, of cellar. She didn't say why to Heidi, but Heidi knew that if there was an air raid, that was where they were going to hide. The story was in different chapters, flicking back and forth from Heidi's life and Marks life. At the end, I suspect that Anna was Heidi's granddaughter, because when Mark asked whether of whether not Heidi told anyone about her being Hitler's daughter, she said "Just one. Her Granchild." It must have been Anna, because she couldn't have known otherwise. But, then again, she had been making it all up when they were playing the game. Or WAS she????? Rating-10/10 Amy =o)
Book Report- Hitlers Daughter Written by Jackie French
I have read Hitlers Daughter before, which is how its a favourite of mine.
In the story Anna, Mark, Little Tracey and Ben, kids from the modern world wait for the bus every morning at the bus shelter for the school bus. One morning it is pouring rain so they decide to play "The Game". "The Game" is a game where Anna tells a story to pass the time. Anyway, Anna decides that today she is going to choose what the story is about, she chooses Hitler's Daughter.
Every morning for the next few days she tells Mark and Little Tracey (Ben gets a bad cold)the story of Heidi, Hitlers unknown Daughter.
I would rate this book 9 1/2 out of ten because I loved it!
hitlers daughter was a really weird book. It made no sense really and it waas VERY boring. I disliked it because it was boring, a time waster, it isn't my type of book & it was really random. if i could rate this book out of 5, iy would be 1.5 because the only good thing about the book was that it made a picture, like a movie rolling at the cinemas, inside your head becaue it used very strong, descriptive language that was the only "bright, interesting" thing about the book.
Hitler’s daughter's is mainly about 3 children (The 4th one was sick most of the time through the story) Mark, Anna and Little Tracey. Every day before school they wait in the blistering cold in a crowded, tin bus shelter. Then they play "The Game". "The Game" is when someone is given a thing or topic and they have to tell a story about it. Little Tracey had her childish go about fairies, fishes and stuff. Then Anna has a go and she chooses "Hitler's Daughter". The name of Hitler's Daughter is Heidi, and she is an uneducated girl who has an immense birthmark all over her face and one leg is shorter than the other, resulting in her to limp. As the story goes on, Mark is really interested about the story. So when the bus came, he was disappointed because he wanted to hear about the story. So at school he daydreamed about the story, he kept thinking about it and he couldn't get it out of his head. When he went home, he asked his parent’s questions like "Why did Hitler kill so many people”. They replied, asking him “What has bought this up?” Then he wouldn’t reply. Then the next day he went to the bus shelter and the story went on. Heidi & Fraulein Gelber moved to a different home. They had to stay there because there were bombers flying over her home, so they had to move. On the first night there Fraulein Gelber awakes Heidi. She tells Heidi that they have to pack up and leave now. So they pack up and go outside. Heidi asks, “What’s wrong?” She replies, " Soldiers are coming to kill us, get in the black car." They get in and then Duffi "Hitler" is there. He tells her that he will take her to a bomb shelter to stay save. But she doesn't know what yet will happen. Heidi and Fraulein Gelber fall asleep on the way there. When they get there, it is morning. Then they are awoken in their round, humid tiny room by thunderous noises. First they hear some planes whizzing and whining over them. Then they hear a bomb and a vast explosion. Then they have breakfast and Heidi goes back to sleep. The next day she wakes up and Fraulein Gelber isn’t there. So she starts running and tries to find Hitler. She says “Father, I am scared” He replies “Heidi, it is ok, just stay in your room” So she runs back down the corridors when suddeny BAM, there is a bomb explosion. She is hurt but not badly. She crawls a fast as she can to the side of the explosion because a tank is coming after her and she is weak. She then sees a woman and a boy. The woman looks after her and the boy talks to her. Then suddenly there is another explosion and the woman, the boy and Heidi are gone.
The story of “Hitlers Daughter” ends there and the bus starts driving up the road. “Wow” says Mark “It’s not real remember” replies Anna. “Oh yeah” says Mark “It was only a story”…..
Hitlers Daughter book report.
By Jackie French.
The story starts when Mark, Little Tracy and Anna are in a bus stop, waiting for the rain to stop and the bus to come. They are wondering what to do when the thought of playing the game pops up. They start to play, when Anna tells the story of Hitler and Hitlers daughter, Heidi.
Hitler used to have a wife, and he had a child, Heidi. The wife died and Hitler hid Heidi away from the world, because she did not fit the description of the race he was breeding, the perfect "Super Humans" People with blonde hair and blue eyes. Heidi, like Hitler, had brown hair, but she also had a big birthmark accross her face, and one leg was shorter than the other, so she limped. So Hitler, ashamed of her, of all people, to be grossly disfigured, hid her away from the world and pretended she did not exist. She was schooled by Frualin Gelber, and once they had to move to another place because of the war. Fraulin Gelber, or I think it was Frau Leib ( I keep getting therm mixed up) Checked thouroughly throught the basement, of cellar. She didn't say why to Heidi, but Heidi knew that if there was an air raid, that was where they were going to hide.
The story was in different chapters, flicking back and forth from Heidi's life and Marks life. At the end, I suspect that Anna was Heidi's granddaughter, because when Mark asked whether of whether not Heidi told anyone about her being Hitler's daughter, she said "Just one. Her Granchild." It must have been Anna, because she couldn't have known otherwise. But, then again, she had been making it all up when they were playing the game. Or WAS she?????
Amy =o)
15th November 2007
Book Report- Hitlers Daughter
Written by Jackie French
I have read Hitlers Daughter before, which is how its a favourite of mine.
In the story Anna, Mark, Little Tracey and Ben, kids from the modern world wait for the bus every morning at the bus shelter for the school bus. One morning it is pouring rain so they decide to play "The Game". "The Game" is a game where Anna tells a story to pass the time. Anyway, Anna decides that today she is going to choose what the story is about, she chooses Hitler's Daughter.
Every morning for the next few days she tells Mark and Little Tracey (Ben gets a bad cold)the story of Heidi, Hitlers unknown Daughter.
I would rate this book 9 1/2 out of ten because I loved it!
Alana :D
hitlers daughter was a really weird book. It made no sense really and it waas VERY boring. I disliked it because it was boring, a time waster, it isn't my type of book & it was really random. if i could rate this book out of 5, iy would be 1.5 because the only good thing about the book was that it made a picture, like a movie rolling at the cinemas, inside your head becaue it used very strong, descriptive language that was the only "bright, interesting" thing about the book.
Hitler’s Daughter
By Jackie French
Hitler’s daughter's is mainly about 3 children (The 4th one was sick most of the time through the story) Mark, Anna and Little Tracey. Every day before school they wait in the blistering cold in a crowded, tin bus shelter. Then they play "The Game". "The Game" is when someone is given a thing or topic and they have to tell a story about it. Little Tracey had her childish go about fairies, fishes and stuff. Then Anna has a go and she chooses "Hitler's Daughter". The name of Hitler's Daughter is Heidi, and she is an uneducated girl who has an immense birthmark all over her face and one leg is shorter than the other, resulting in her to limp. As the story goes on, Mark is really interested about the story. So when the bus came, he was disappointed because he wanted to hear about the story. So at school he daydreamed about the story, he kept thinking about it and he couldn't get it out of his head. When he went home, he asked his parent’s questions like "Why did Hitler kill so many people”. They replied, asking him “What has bought this up?”
Then he wouldn’t reply. Then the next day he went to the bus shelter and the story went on. Heidi & Fraulein Gelber moved to a different home. They had to stay there because there were bombers flying over her home, so they had to move. On the first night there Fraulein Gelber awakes Heidi. She tells Heidi that they have to pack up and leave now. So they pack up and go outside. Heidi asks, “What’s wrong?”
She replies,
" Soldiers are coming to kill us, get in the black car."
They get in and then Duffi "Hitler" is there.
He tells her that he will take her to a bomb shelter to stay save.
But she doesn't know what yet will happen.
Heidi and Fraulein Gelber fall asleep on the way there. When they get there, it is morning. Then they are awoken in their round, humid tiny room by thunderous noises. First they hear some planes whizzing and whining over them. Then they hear a bomb and a vast explosion. Then they have breakfast and Heidi goes back to sleep. The next day she wakes up and Fraulein Gelber isn’t there. So she starts running and tries to find Hitler. She says “Father, I am scared” He replies
“Heidi, it is ok, just stay in your room”
So she runs back down the corridors when suddeny BAM, there is a bomb explosion. She is hurt but not badly. She crawls a fast as she can to the side of the explosion because a tank is coming after her and she is weak. She then sees a woman and a boy. The woman looks after her and the boy talks to her. Then suddenly there is another explosion and the woman, the boy and Heidi are gone.
The story of “Hitlers Daughter” ends there and the bus starts driving up the road. “Wow” says Mark
“It’s not real remember” replies Anna.
“Oh yeah” says Mark
“It was only a story”…..
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